Salesqueen Software Solution

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Android app development company

Android application

Our Android app development company has skilled developers and designers, also, who will help you grow your business. Similarly, for each project, we also appoint a software architect, likewise, who is going to monitor the team’s performance, inspect code quality and ensure that the deliverable satisfy your requirements. Similarly, in conclusion, by using our professional Android app development services, also, you can get fully working apps for your business. Moreover, our reputable company, Salesqueen builds android application development variety businesses and industries. With our bespoke android services, also, we are known for raising your development model and strengthening feasible solutions. Similarly, lastly, we are providing a consistent experience, and also, creating apps that offer unrivaled value to customers’ lives. In conclusion, our bespoke Android app development services are designed to give you a wide range of Android advantage.

benefits of our android app development company

Here, we will discuss a few reasons why android app development is important to your business. Firstly, the only way to truly improve your business is by actually doing what’s your customer needs. Secondly, we think technology can be a easy way of putting in the necessary strategy.  There are, however, some people who will disagree. Thirdly, and most importantly, similarly, it is said that people tend to remember what come first. Moreover, our app rises to as much as your business when you use our technology. In conclusion, following up customer needs and fulfill it is necessary.

Benefits of Our Android Application Development Company

our services

Moreover, our reputable company, Salesqueen builds Android apps for a variety businesses and industries. With our bespoke android services, also, we are known for raising your development model and strengthening feasible solutions. Similarly, lastly, we are providing a consistent experience, and also, creating apps that offer unrivaled value to customers’ lives. In conclusion, our bespoke Android app development services are designed to give you a wide range of Android advantage.

Development of Android Apps on Demand

Our designers and developers, as an Android  development are best . So we can provide custom solutions that work on any Android device.

Support & Upkeep for Android Apps

Our Android development company provides timely app upkeep services. Therefore to meet all of your mobility needs, also, ensuring that your app remains competitive, robust, and safe.

Services for Migration and Upgrades

We can assist you in migrating your application. originally, From some other system to Android or upgrading to the newest version of the Android app.

Services for Quality Assurance and Testing

We employ quality analysts to ensure that your software functions properly. Especially , across all screens from the beginning to the end of the project. Also, we ensure that each app is bug-free and performs at a high level for your clients.

Proof of Concept (POC)

Our experienced team of analysts and application developers will work with you. Therefore they create features that will be useful. Also, in other words, we’ll see if the idea is viable.

Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

We’ll learn how the fundamental form of your application. it will function for your target audience and company goals. through our minimal viable product development services.

Specifications of Android App Development

Specification of Android app development company

Firstly our Android app development company are ideal for agencies in need of additional development resources. So then it will help with burden sharing. Also, in other words, all of our B2B Android app solutions are created to relieve any agency’s app development burden. Similarly, we are delighted to take care of the customers while working under your brand. Because of our full-cycle bespoke strategy, also we’ve been able to delve deeply into the Android ecosystem. Moreover, We’ve looked into all of the options, including Android TV Android tablets, Android Wear, and mobile phones. Furthermore, we have created Android apps also, with flawless UI/UX architecture for a jhyg7yt variety of business specialisations.

features and functionality of our android app development company

Web Apps with Wi-Fi and GPS

Our Android development business can create web apps that are Wi-Fi and GPS enabled, also, allowing you to provide excellent services to your customers

Apps for Travel and Tourism

We provide excellent tourism and travel app development solutions. It will boost your travel company’s financial performance, outreach, and customer retention.

Solutions for E-Learning Apps

Initially our app used for institutes, colleges, schools startups, and entrepreneurs. Likewise, our company creates custom, standardized, and user-friendly e-learning apps.

E-commerce and online booking

Our Android app development firm in India can automate your booking system. Therefore incorporate e-commerce models in your Android app to help you build your business

Solutions for Healthcare Apps

We can create ground-breaking healthcare Android apps.  Furthermore that will improve patient experience. it will help you effectively manage health data records.

Apps for Banking and Finance

Our website development company in Los Angeles can help financial institutions. Because it increase their productivity through our Scalable Android mobile apps.

What does salesqueen do?

Firstly, Salesqueen is a website development and design firm. Likewis, Primarily, for customers all across the world, for instance, also, our team of skilled web designers creates beautiful and practical websites. Secondly, we enjoy the creative process of creating a fantastic website. Moreover, Mainly, at the end of the day, however, our primary goal is to design websites similarly, with high return on investment that satisfy our clients’ strategic goals. Likewise, Subsequently, to do so, we assign a specialized account director who is in charge of thoroughly knowing the customer’s needs and goals. In conclusion, throughout the process, also, the account director works closely with the customer and also, is their primary point of contact.


Yes, you always have to sign an NDA to keep your android app idea confidential.

There are various tools we use as android app developer. Here’s the list Android Studio
AVD manager
ADB (Android debug Bridge)
GameMaker : Studio Gradle
IntelliJ IDEA
Leak Canary.

Firstly, in our team, we have several small and mid-size Enterprises so first, also we start by looking into your App idea which sector it belongs to and also, which acknowledges tag it means and then which is the best suited SME for you who has experience in your preferable industry.

Yes, we take full responsibility for publishing your app on the Play Store. In fact, it is a part of our Android app development process.

Yes, we offer complete maintenance support to our clients’ post App launch. In that, we look into design updates and other requirements of the client. Similarly, We do provide a free 6-month maintenance policy which comes under our service set.

Our team of project managers, developers, and designers will be looking after the project and will also be working on your project. They will keep you updated during every stage and won’t perform any activity without doing a prior discussion with you.

Android app development for depends on various factors like what are your needs and requirements, what features you want in your app, also, which technology set you want us to use for you, what would be the team size and what is the location of your agency etc.

Yes, we can partner with you as an Android app development company for your clients. Similarly, our developers can understand the requirements of the clients and can recommend the best solution for them.

Sorry, we doesn’t aim to offer a standard solution to all the SMEs but we can create a tailored android app to fulfill the needs of your business.

Most used programming language to develop Android application Java and we also use C, Android NDK, and C++ to build Android app.

Pricing Table

Time(approx) 300050008000
Business analysis400050006000
UI/UX design300050007000
custom app development200070001000
Quality assurance6000800012000
Project managementYes

Our Android App Development Process

With our custom android services, we are the top Android app development company in Chennai known for elevating your development strategy, strengthening viable solutions, designing seamless experiences, and building apps that add unrivalled value to the users’ lives. We are a reputable Android application development company that creates custom Android apps for businesses of all sizes and domains.

Multi-platform Development

Quality Assurance

Play Store Submission

Post-launch Maintenance

Technologies We Leverage

Mobile Frontend

Native (Java/Kotlin)

Xamarin Native C

Xamarin Forms for Android



React Native

Operating System

Android OS


Android Studio

Google Fit SDK

Google Assistant SDK



Android Auto


Amazon Web

Services (AWS)

Microsoft Azure

Google Cloud

Platform (GCP)


AppCenter for CI/CD



Google Assistant

Google VR

Machine Learning(ML Kit)


Google Cloud

Google analytics