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Joined: Jul 26, 2022
Last seen: Aug 2, 2022
Topics: 0 / Replies: 390
RE: how to insert a copyright symbol in html?

An HTML copyright symbol can be created by using the symbol codes &copy or &#169. Often, these are condensed into paragraphs. The & denote...

3 years ago
RE: what is semantic html?

Semantic HTML, also known as semantic markup, is HTML that adds meaning to the web page as opposed to focusing solely on presentation. A p> tag, fo...

3 years ago
RE: what are the types of lists used in html?

The HTML table tag is used to display data in a tabular format (row and column). One or more columns may be organised in a row. To display data in a t...

3 years ago
RE: which html tag is used to display the data in tabular form?

The HTML table tag is used to display data in a tabular format (row and column). One or more columns may be organised in a row. To display data in a t...

3 years ago
RE: how many types of heading does an HTML contains?

In HTML, headers can have up to six layers. Any font adjustments, paragraph breaks before and after, and any white space needed to show the heading ar...

3 years ago
RE: what are tags?

A tag is an element added to documents or files using HTML, XML, and other markup languages that alters the appearance of material or carries out an a...

3 years ago
RE: define html ,what is it used for?

The preferred markup language for documents intended to be viewed in a web browser is HTML, or HyperText Markup Language. Technologies like Cascading ...

3 years ago
RE: what is front- end development?

Front end development is a type of computer programming that is concerned with coding and creating website features and aspects that users will actual...

3 years ago
RE: what are the responsibilities of a web developer?

A software developer creates and constructs the computer programmes that run desktop computers, mobile gadgets, and even automobiles. Along with ident...

3 years ago
RE: what is purpose of introducing event bubbling concept?

When using JavaScript to build a webpage or website, the concept of event bubbling is used. When two elements are nested on top of one another and are...

3 years ago
RE: What is meant by event bubbling?

When an event resides in an element inside another element and both elements have registered a handle to that event, the HTML DOM API uses event bubbl...

3 years ago
RE: how to diagnose and fix the browser freeze issue in chrome,firefox and edge ?

Close every tab in Chrome. Start Chrome from scratch. 3.End all other running programmes and processes. Start your computer all over. ...

3 years ago
RE: what is pagination in css?

Pagination is the division of a document into pages and the attribution of numbers to those pages. Various Pagination Types Pagination can take many d...

3 years ago
RE: what is DRY principle?

Every item of knowledge must have a single, authoritative, clear representation within a system, according to the DRY principle. In their book The Pra...

3 years ago
RE: what is Z-index in css?

The stack order of an element is specified by the z-index property. A higher stack order element is always in front of a lower stack order element.

3 years ago
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