Last seen: Aug 2, 2022
A namespace is a declarative area that gives the names of the types, functions, variables, etc. inside of it a scope. Code is arranged logically into ...
SOAP is a protocol. REST is an architectural style. JAX-WS is the java API for SOAP web services. JAX-RS is the java API for RESTful web s...
CSS can be integrated directly into the HTML document or attached as a separate file. Three approaches can be used to incorporate CSS into an HTML doc...
A contemporary online application includes several layers, each of which has its own set of optimization guidelines. Let's think about a straightforwa...
CDATA is used to unparse the data or text immediately following the employee part, providing the employee's value: (Parsed Character Data) PCDATA: An ...
An instruction that links a specific XML or SGML document (such as a webpage) with a document type definition (DTD) is known as a document type declar...
Long polling, which doesn't employ a specific protocol like WebSocket or Server Side Events, is the simplest method of maintaining a connection with a...
The HTTP protocol used by the World Wide Web includes the ETag, or entity tag. It is one of the Web cache validation mechanisms that HTTP offers, enab...
CORS enables the server to expressly whitelist particular origins, allowing the server to get around the same-origin policy. Each response will have a...
A browser feature called cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) permits managed access to resources that are outside of a certain domain. It expands and...
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript knowledge are prerequisites for working as a web developer. Learning about CSS and CSS frameworks is also advised. Your abil...
The developing, constructing, and maintaining of websites is referred to as web development. It covers things like web publishing, web programming, da...