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Joined: Aug 1, 2022
Last seen: Aug 10, 2022
Topics: 0 / Replies: 100
RE: what is npm? [Node.js]

A Node.js package manager, or module manager if you like, is called NPM. Thousands of free packages are available for download and usage at www.npmjs....

3 years ago
RE: what is type coercion in javascript?

The automatic or implicit conversion of values between different data types is known as type coercion. For instance, changing a text value to its nume...

3 years ago
RE: what are the difference http request type support in restful web services?

Method 1: POST. Method 2: PUT. Method 3: PATCH. Method 4: GET. Method 5: DELETE.

3 years ago
RE: what is http/3?

In addition to the commonly used HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2, HTTP/3 is the third main version of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol used to exchange information...

3 years ago
RE: how is html difference from XHTML ?

While XHTML is based on XML, HTML is SGML-based. They resemble the two halves of a single coin. To comply with XML standards, HTML was transformed int...

3 years ago
RE: what are the web development tools used mostly by the developers? Angular.JS. Chrome DevTools. Sass. Grunt. CodePen.

3 years ago
RE: what are the web development tools?

Sublime Text Google Chrome Bootstrap Sass Github Visual Studio Code

3 years ago
RE: Comparison between css animation and javascript animation?

The reality is that, at least in Firefox, the performance of CSS-based animations is typically almost identical to that of JavaScript-based animations...

3 years ago
RE: by which mechanism in javascript can detect the operating system on a cilent machine?

The navigator. appVersion or navigator. userAgent properties can be used to quickly determine the operating system on the client computer. A string re...

3 years ago
RE: what is the difference between '==' and '===' operators in javascript?

The primary distinction between the == and === operators in javascript is that the former converts the operands' data types before comparison, whilst ...

3 years ago
RE: what is defined value?

A formal language known as value specification syntax is used to specify the range of acceptable values for a CSS property or function. The set of acc...

3 years ago
RE: what is null value?

In a relational database, a null value is used when a column's value is absent or ambiguous. A null is not a zero value or an empty string (for charac...

3 years ago
RE: which are the new APIs provided by HTML5

a Media API. SMS Track API. Use drag and drop. Cache for applications and offline web applications. User interactivity. History

3 years ago
RE: what are the scope in javascript

A new scope is created by each function in JavaScript. A function's declared variables cannot be accessed or seen from outside the function. When decl...

3 years ago
RE: what is pop-up boxes in javascript?

Popup boxes are used in Javascript to show the user a message or notification. The Alert Box, Confirm Box, and Prompt Box are the three different form...

3 years ago
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