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kavitha shri
Honorable Member
Joined: Jul 25, 2022
Last seen: Aug 2, 2022
Topics: 251 / Replies: 271
RE: what is Z-index in css?

The CSS property known as Z Index (z-index) specifies the hierarchy of overlapping HTML elements. A higher index element will be positioned above a lo...

3 years ago
RE: what is DRY principle?

Don't repeat yourself, or DRY, is a software development principle that tries to reduce pattern recurrence and code duplication in favour of abstracti...

3 years ago
RE: what is pagination in css?

The process of segmenting a document into pages and assigning them numbers is known as pagination. Different Pagination Types In CSS, pagination comes...

3 years ago
RE: how to diagnose and fix the browser freeze issue in chrome,firefox and edge ?

Close all Chrome tabs. Restart Google Chrome. Stop all other operating applications and processes. Restart your computer. Disable all Chrome ...

3 years ago
RE: What is meant by event bubbling?

A sort of event propagation known as "event bubbling" occurs when an event first occurs on the innermost target element and then sequentially occurs o...

3 years ago
RE: advantages of embedded style sheet?

Classes can be made and applied to various tag kinds in the document. Selector and grouping methods can be used to apply styles in complex scenario...

3 years ago
RE: what is jQuery?

jQuery is a JavaScript library created to make event handling, CSS animation, Ajax, and DOM tree navigation and manipulation easier. It is open-source...

3 years ago
RE: what is purpose of introducing event bubbling concept?

The idea of event bubbling is utilised while creating a webpage or website using JavaScript, where the event handlers are called when two elements are...

3 years ago
RE: define html ,what is it used for?

The most fundamental component of the Web is HTML (HyperText Markup Language). It describes the purpose and organisation of web content. The appearanc...

3 years ago
RE: what are tags?

The brand name label on the inside of a shirt serves as an illustration of a tag. A price tag on a mug from a yard sale is an illustration of a tag. A...

3 years ago
RE: how many types of heading does an HTML contains?

There are six levels of headers in HTML. A header element includes any font alterations, preceding and after paragraph breaks, and any white space req...

3 years ago
RE: what are the types of lists used in html?

Unordered lists are employed to organise a collection of related things without regard to hierarchy. a list that is ordered is used to arrange a col...

3 years ago
RE: explain what the marquee tag is used for?

In HTML, the marquee tag is used to make text or images scroll on websites. Either horizontally from left to right or right to left, or vertically fro...

3 years ago
RE: how to insert a copyright symbol in html?

With the use of the &copy or &#169 symbol codes, you can build an HTML copyright symbol. These are frequently encapsulated in paragraphs. The ...

3 years ago
RE: what is semantic html?

Instead of just defining the presentation or appearance of the information, semantic HTML uses HTML markup to support the semantics, or meaning, of th...

3 years ago
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