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kavitha shri
Honorable Member
Joined: Jul 25, 2022
Last seen: Aug 2, 2022
Topics: 251 / Replies: 271
RE: what is the use of span tag in html?

A section of text or a section of a document can be marked up using the inline container known as the "span" tag. The class or id attribute of the spa...

3 years ago
RE: does a tag is a html tag?

A!DOCTYPE> declaration must appear at the top of every HTML document. There is no HTML tag in the declaration. The browser receives "information" f...

3 years ago
RE: what are the types of video formats supported by html?

Three methods for playing are supported by the HTML5 video format: MP4, WebM, and Ogg. You should be aware that just 58 percent of browsers support We...

3 years ago
RE: list some popular css frame works?

Bootstrap Tailwind CSS Foundation Bulma Skeleton

3 years ago
RE: what are the benefits of css sprites?

The biggest benefit of employing image sprites is that they decrease the amount of http requests, which speeds up the loading of our website. Addition...

3 years ago
RE: how does entity tag works?

In order to confirm that the client (such as a mobile device) has the most recent version of a record, an HTTP header called an ETag (entity tag) is u...

3 years ago
RE: what are the most important aspects of web development jobs and why?

The work of a web developer is to build websites. Many web developers are in charge of the website's performance and capacity in addition to making su...

3 years ago
RE: how does CSS3 help in implementing rounded borders easily?

Tip: You can give items rounded corners by using this property! ... The top-left corner will be affected by the first value, the top-right corner by t...

3 years ago
RE: how does ES5 differ from ES6?

It first appeared in 2015. Primitive data types like string, number, boolean, null, and undefined are supported by ES5. The JavaScript data types have...

3 years ago
RE: difference between black box and white box testing?

The Black Box Test is a test that solely takes into account the system's external behaviour; it ignores how the programme functions within. The White ...

3 years ago
RE: how to create a wire frame?

Speaking with stakeholders Understanding their needs is crucial whether you're building a website for internal or external clientele. Buttons ought ...

3 years ago
RE: what is an anonymous function in javascript?

A function without a name is designated as type of Anonymous Function. To define a function in JavaScript, we typically use the function keyword follo...

3 years ago
RE: what is Javascript?

Along with HTML and CSS, the computer language known as JavaScript, or JS, is one of the foundational elements of the World Wide Web. By 2022, 98% of ...

3 years ago
RE: what is css opacity?

The opacity of an element is controlled by the opacity CSS attribute. Opacity, which is the inverse of transparency, refers to how much of the content...

3 years ago
RE: what is the use of css opacity?

Opacity specifies how transparent something is, with 1 being fully opaque, 0.5 being partially see-through, and 0 being completely transparent. Note: ...

3 years ago
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