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Joined: Jul 25, 2022
Last seen: Aug 2, 2022
Topics: 50 / Replies: 123
RE: What are the security threats that prevail with Ajax code?

The server-side security protocols used by normal Web applications are also used by AJAX-based Web applications. You outline the specifications f...

3 years ago
RE: List advantages of using Ajax in web development

lessen server traffic, and speed up the primary benefit of Ajax is its capacity to enhance the functionality and usability of web applications

3 years ago
RE: List the difference between JavaScript and Ajax

AJAX delivers and receives data from a server, whereas JavaScript handles client-side actions.When JavaScript and AJAX are used together, code can be ...

3 years ago
RE: What is a Closure?

A closure is made of references to the state of the environment and a function that has been wrapped up (enclosed) (the lexical environment). In other...

3 years ago
RE: What is Event Bubbling?

A sort of event propagation known as "event bubbling" occurs when an event first occurs on the innermost target element and then sequentially occurs o...

3 years ago
RE: What is lazy loading?

A design pattern called lazy loading, also referred to as asynchronous loading, is frequently used in computer programming, primarily in web design an...

3 years ago
RE: Why do we use DOCTYPE in HTML?

Because it is required for the HTML version, if the user application experiences any problems at that time, it can be quickly determined that the prob...

3 years ago
RE: Why do we use pseudo-classes in CSS?

In CSS, a pseudo class is used to specify an element's unique state. It can be used in conjunction with a CSS selector to add a state-based impact to ...

3 years ago
RE: What are some of the CSS3 transition properties?

The name of the CSS property for which the transition effect is intended is defined by the transition-property property (the transition effect will st...

3 years ago
RE: What are CSS box model components?

Every HTML element is essentially enclosed in a box thanks to the CSS box model. It consists of the content itself, as well as margins, borders, and p...

3 years ago
RE: What is Responsive Web Design (RWD)?

A method of creating web pages called responsive design uses flexible layouts, flexible images, and cascading style sheet media queries.

3 years ago
RE: What is the use of .each() function in jQuery?

In jQuery, you may iterate through a collection of elements using the.each() method. It lets us to loop across various datasets, such as arrays or obj...

3 years ago
RE: What is a package manager in coding?

The package manager will offer a way for you to publish your own packages, manage where packages are stored on your file system, and provide a way to ...

3 years ago
RE: .What is the difference between div and frame in HTML?

While a frame divides a web page into sections and should be utilised within the frameset tag, a div is a general container element for grouping and d...

3 years ago
RE: What is the correct way to include JavaScript into your HTML?

The script tag with the attribute src can be used to include an external JavaScript file. When employing images, you have already used the src attribu...

3 years ago
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