Best Ecommerce Marketing Strategy?

Roles of Ecommerce Marketing
Easy access to e-store by mobile:
- Most people prefer online websites derived from a mobile device, which is nearly 56% of visitor traffic to websites through a mobile device.
- This will increase shoppers’ interaction with the brand through mobile phones, also ensuring.
- The same user experience throughout every channel and every device, in simple terms, responsive e-commerce website design is essential.
- This is to highlight the need for responsive e-commerce design for your business accessible on mobile and tablet devices.
Ecommerce Search Functionality
- A factor that makes a huge difference from a conventional store is search functionality for an online store.
- Most people search for a specific product with a search bar while shopping online.
- Ecommerce Marketing Strategy so should be ensured that the search feature is positioned well and visible, It should be designed by how customers find out what they are looking for with little effort.
Pop-ups to motivate visitors for eCommerce Website Marketing
- There is an e-commerce store that displays attractive deals and coupon codes that tend to generate more sales leads.
- When you choose the right e-commerce website development company it is easy for your online store to implement those coupon codes to display on your homepage.
- The coupons are not only for eye-catching codes but also enables you to get the email address of potential customers.
- When the visitor finds a pop-up on a site and clicks it and finds the relevant deal to him, then it is the best opportunity to make as your customer.
Google Analytics
(Unified sessions/Signal, Goal, and Event Tracking)
It is important for a website, to setting up google analytics or something equivalent.
Great views into your website visitors-
- How does Visitor find your website: It could be by referral website, keyword Searches on google, or direct visits.
Where are the visitors from? - Link to your Google Ad words campaign to track paid traffic as well.
- How many visitors converted and the interaction that lead to the conversation.
- How long does a visitor stay on your site?
- What was the browser, the operating system used, and if the visitor using a Mobile device or desktop/laptop?
- If the visitors are returning or new.
Search Functionality
- A factor that makes a huge difference from a conversation store is search functionality for an online store.
- In online shopping, customers can look for what they are specifically looking for with the help of a search bar.
- Ensuring that the search feature is positioned well and visible enables the potential customer to find out what they are looking for with little effort.
Big Ecommerce Marketing Analytics:
- . If the store you running is on the Bigcommerce platform, it has an analytics section in the administration.
- That shows you all the abandoned carts including what was a product in the cart at the time of abandonment.
- There is also analytics on In-Store Searches which show you what customers are typing into the built-in Big Commerce search tool.
- There are a few more tools that are also available out, but that should be more than enough to get visitor interaction information to figure out where your website is lacking or excelling in regards to conversion rates.
Steps to Boost your Ecommerce Marketing Strategy
1. Use high-quality images and videos on your product pages.
2. Offer free shipping.
3. Provide limited-time coupon codes.
4. Be competitively priced.
5. Tweak and test your eCommerce checkout process.
6. Use cart abandonment software.
7. Use live chat software.
8. Let customers know your eCommerce store is safe.
9. Setup structure so visitors can easily find products.
10. Make your checkout form easy to understand.
11. Always show shopping cart contents.
12. Let customers checkout as guests.
13. Give detailed product descriptions.
14. Allow customers to review products.
15. Make your “Add to Cart” and “Checkout” buttons prevalent.
16. Provide product testimonials if applicable.
17. Have a great product return policy.
18. Optimize for mobile devices.
19. Display Your Phone Number Prominently.
20. Provide valuable content.
21. Capture Emails.
22. Grab visitors’ attention quickly.
23. Use “Calls to Action” sparingly.
24. Clearly state your unique selling proposition.
25. Spell check.
26. Measure your eCommerce conversion rate optimization success.
27. Implement a Browse Abandonment Campaign.
28. Progress Bars on Checkout.
29. Add Filters to Your Category Pages.
Ecommerce Security concern
- Many people feel less secure while shopping for something online, like the quality of the product, online payment, fake website, etc…
- All this can be solved with a simple solution called trust. You are responsible to make the customer feel safer by getting your store an SSL security certificate
- Through an eCommerce website design development company.
- Ensuring your eCommerce store web address displays the SSL padlock as prominently, gives your customers confidence that they shop securely.
Multiple Payment
- Multiple payment methods make your customer feel that they are not going through any trouble.
- In paying out for their purchase, having multiple payments method on your eCommerce website development store.
- Instantly raises your reputation. You must ensure that your e-store accepts all kinds of payment methods such as paying by debit card, credit card, wallet, net banking, and also cash on delivery.